Arquivos Mensais: agosto 2023

31 08.2023

Financial Ratios Complete List and Guide to All Financial Ratios

2024-07-10T05:57:57-03:00agosto de 2023|Bookkeeping|0 Comentários

Many view stockholders' equity as representing a company's net assets—its net value, so to speak, would be the amount shareholders would receive if the company liquidated all of its assets and repaid all of its debts. When the company's repurchased shares are absorbed, the number of outstanding shares on the market is reduced. The result [...]

15 08.2023

Day 30 Rev James E. McDonald, C.S.C., Center for Student Well-Being University of Notre Dame

2024-07-04T06:07:58-03:00agosto de 2023|Sober living|0 Comentários

A break from alcohol can lead to improved memory and concentration, and a reduction in brain fog. According to a study published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, even moderate alcohol consumption can have negative effects on cognitive functioning. When you cut out alcohol, you’re also cutting out empty calories that can lead to weight gain. Plus, [...]